By default, Timeline Maker Pro displays your timeline charts at 100% viewing scale. This is the standard size of the timeline chart as it will be printed on your printer. If your chart is too large to view in its entirety, you can use scroll bars to see the remaining portions of your chart, or you can click on the chart and drag it to the desired portion of the chart.

Alternatively, you can also adjust the viewing scale using the Zoom options. Options include Zoom, 100%, and Fit to Window.


To adjust the zoom:

  1. While viewing the timeline chart, click the View tab.
  2. In the Zoom group, click the desired option: Zoom (then select percentage), 100%, or Fit to Window.


  1. Adjust the zoom using the Zoom Slider located on the bottom right hand corner of the status bar, or by clicking the Zoom In button next to the slide bar.

Tip: You can also adjust the zoom using Ctrl+Mouse Wheel.

Note: Adjusting the zoom does not affect the printed size of your timeline chart. For more information on printing, see also: Printing Your Timeline Charts

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