By default, Timeline Maker Pro arranges all of your events on the timeline chart in the order they occurred. This means that each event will be placed on its own line in a staircase fashion. Alternatively, you can choose to have the program automatically sort all the events in a compact layout, saving valuable space on your timeline chart. If you use custom Event IDs in your timeline file, you can also choose to sort by ID number. See also Custom Event ID for more information.

Timeline Maker Pro can also automatically sort events in categories by date, by ID or in a compact layout. Alternatively, you can manually move events vertically up and down the timescale to a desired position on the timeline chart.

To arrange events in by date:

  1. While viewing the timeline chart, click the Chart tab.
  2. In the Chart group, select the down arrow under Auto Arrange.
  3. Click the By Date option under All Events to arrange events in order of occurrence, or select By Date under By Category to group events together in categories.

To arrange events in Compact layout:

  1. While viewing the timeline chart, click the Chart tab.
  2. In the Chart group, select the down arrow under * Auto Arrange*.
  3. Click the Compact option under All Events, or select Compact under By Category to group events together in categories.

To arrange events by Event ID number:

  1. While viewing the timeline chart, click the Chart tab.
  2. IIn the Chart group, select the down arrow under * Auto Arrange*.
  3. Click the By ID option under All Events to arrange events sequentially by ID number, or select By ID under By Category to group events together in categories, sorted by ID numbers.

To manually move events on the timeline chart:

  1. Select on the event(s) you wish to move.
  2. While holding the left mouse button, drag the event(s) to the desired position* on the chart.

*Because events are plotted on the timescale by the date they occurred, and can only be moved vertically on the timeline, not horizontally.

Tip: If, after moving events//tasks manually, you wish to return to the previous auto arrangement, click the Auto Arrange button. This will revert the timeline chart back to the last used auto arrange setting.

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