The legend is used to explain the relationship between category and event color in the timeline chart. Category labels are listed in alphabetical order, with the assigned corresponding color displayed beside the label. The legend can be re-sized and moved to any position on the timeline chart, or removed altogether. Additional customization options are available for the legend, including category colors, fonts, and bar shape, color, outline and effects. For detailed instructions on customizing the legend, see also: Customizing the Legend.

To turn the legend on or off: While viewing the timeline chart, select the Chart tab.
In the Chart group, click Legend. A checkmark in the checkbox indicates that the legend will be included on the chart.

To resize the legend:
Click on the legend in your timeline chart, then click on a black square located on one of the corners.
While holding the left mouse button, drag toward or away from the legend until you achieve the desired size.

Tip: Text within the legend will automatically reposition itself when you adjust the legend size.

To move the legend:

  • Click on the legend. While holding the left mouse button, drag the legend to the desired position anywhere on the timeline chart.

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