Timeline Maker Pro includes multiple professionally designed themes that will instantly transform your timeline chart into a unique presentation. All themes are listed in the Themes List, located on the Themes tab.
_Tip: You can also set a default theme, create custom themes and share them with others. For more information, see Setting a Default Theme, Customized Themes and Sharing Themes
In this article
Applying a theme
All saved themes can be accessed through the Theme List, which is organized into sections for optimal convenience. Sections include default theme, most recently used themes, current chart themes and all themes.
This is the default theme that will be used to create all new charts. For more information on changing the default theme, see: Setting the Default Theme.
Most Recently Used
The timeline charts listed in this section are those that you have recently selected.
Current Timeline Charts
Using the Current Timeline Charts group, you can select a theme that you’ve used in other timeline charts in the file, but may not have saved as a theme. To do so, select the timeline chart from the list which uses the theme you wish to apply to your current chart.
All Themes
This section includes all the themes that have been saved to your computer, including professionally designed themes that were packaged with Timeline Maker Pro and custom themes that you have created and saved.
To apply a theme to a timeline chart:
- Create a new timeline chart or select a previously created chart, using the timeline tabs or Chart List.
- In the Themes tab, click the Theme List button.
In the Chart tab, click the Themes button. - Scroll through the list and select the desired theme.
All of the elements in your timeline chart will now be modified with the styles of the theme.
Tip: For your convenience, when you hover over a theme in the theme list, your timeline chart will automatically display a preview of how that them will look when applied to your chart.
Applying a Style
The Style Selector (drag & drop) pane, located on the right-hand side of the window when viewing a timeline chart, is a quick and easy way to apply styles to elements of your charts.
When you click on an element of the timeline chart, the Style Selector displays a sample of every style used for that element in the selected theme. When you make changes, such as selecting a new color, bar shape, font, etc., those styles are displayed as well.
Tip: A “T” under a sample style indicates that it belongs to a saved theme.
Note: The Style Selector (drag & drop) will hide when not in use to provide more room on your screen for viewing the timeline chart. If you prefer, you can lock the Style Selector in place by selected the thumbnail at the top of the pane. If you are unable to access the Style Selector, it may be deactivated. To activate the Style Selector, select View > Show > Style Selector. A checkmark indicates that the option has been activated.
To apply a style to an element of your timeline chart:
- While viewing your timeline chart, click on the element you wish to modify (e.g. title, an event, or group of events, etc.) This will highlight the element on the chart, as well as open the corresponding element tab in the Style Selector.
- Drag and drop the desired style on to the element of your timeline chart you wish to change
OR - In the Style Selector, right-click on the style you wish to apply.
- Click Apply to Selected.
Tip: If you wish to apply a style to an entire category of events, while viewing your timeline chart select an event. Then, in the Style Selector, right-click on the desired style, select Apply to Category and click on the category of your choice.
Deleting Styles
To delete a style:
- In the Style Selector, right-click on the style you wish to delete.
- Select Delete Style.
This will delete the style and revert any elements using this style back to the default style. Note that deleting a style from the timeline chart will not affect the saved themes. The styles in saved themes are locked and cannot be removed.
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