Changing colors of categories in Timeline Maker is an important step in creating your timeline chart. Color is useful to identify important categories or events, as well as adding visual appeal.
When you first create a timeline, the default theme is applied. The built-in themes within Timeline Maker are designed to be visually appealing, each using a different color palette. The colors are automatically assigned to each category, using the theme. These themes may not fit every need and it is often required to customize the colors of categories or you may want to change the color that is applied to a specific category. Fortunately, Timeline Maker Professional provides several options to help you when assigning colors to categories.
Located beneath your chart is the Style Selector. The Event Tab shows all of the event colors and styles associated with the theme you have chosen. To apply colors to a category, right click on the event color you want, select Apply to Category and choose the category you want to change from the list.
Choose Edit > Select by Category. A list of all the categories you have created for that chart will be shown. Select the category you wish to change. This will highlight all of the events in that category.
Then choose Format > Event. This will bring up a dialog box that allows you to choose the desired fill color.
Choosing Chart > New Bar Chart or New Flag Chart will create a new chart from the data you have entered. This is a great way to start fresh. The program will automatically assign a different color to each category based on the selected theme.
To test drive this solution you will need a copy of Timeline Maker, which can be downloaded here. Included in the Timeline Maker download is a sample file which can be used to try the techniques above.
For additional information on applying colors to categories in Timeline Maker, download the Timeline Maker user guide or check the Timeline Maker FAQ.
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