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Timeline Maker Pro – v3.0

Timeline Maker v3.0 – Release Notes

  • New browser style tabs (one for each chart) making it easier to switch between charts in your timeline file.
  • New Import Wizard that allows you to accurately “map” each field in your source file to specific columns in your timeline data. You can even save a particular map for reuse if you regularly import from the same data set.
  • New GANTT style project chart to better represent project schedules.
  • New “milestone” shapes for your Gantt charts. Milestones are events/tasks that have only a start date and no end date i.e. a single point in time.
  • New “today bar” that can be turned on or off for bar and gantt charts. Important for project planners, the today bar shows you exactly where you are in the schedule. The today bar can also be colored to fit with your chart theme.
  • Data entry has been simplified with date and time now combined into a single column simply called “Start” or “End”. Plus, you can enter a duration in any unit of time and the end date will be calculated for you.
  • You can also rename any data field and add an unlimited number of user defined columns for data entry, any of which can be featured on your chart, including the chronology.
  • New business timescales allow you to choose between years, quarters, months, weeks, days, minutes and seconds, in addition to the standard “auto-date”.
  • New “relative” date/time display options for both the start and end dates as well as the timescale. This is important if you don’t know exactly when a project will start or you simply want to show what is going on in the “second quarter”, for example.
  • New user interface with MS Office style ribbon bars making it easier to find the tools and program features you need to create and customize your charts.
  • Set of 12 new chart themes with wider variety of modern color palettes and fonts. If you are upgrading, these new themes will be added to your current list – you won’t lose existing themes.
  • Improved auto-arrange function with easy access “Arrange” button on the home panel makes even better looking charts from the start, especially with new auto-layout algorithms for the flag chart.
  • New auto-break function inserts breaks in the timescale where appropriate, effectively collapsing or compressing a very long timeline.
  • The print function has been changed to output to PDF where you can choose any size paper, fit chart to one page and preview your chart before printing.

Update Type: Free for those who purchased a Premium Support subscription prior to release. Paid Upgrade for all other licensed users Timeline Maker Professional.