Related topics are listed below.
Entering Dates
Entering Dates
In this topic Entering Dates Use Current Date Date Format BC Dates Entering Start or End Time Entering Dates In order for an event to be included in a timeline chart, it must have at least one calendar date entered in either the Start or End fields. To enter…
Entering Data
Entering Data
Entering data in Timeline Maker Pro can be done quickly and easily in the Timeline Data tab. Select the Timeline Data tab. Click in a blank field on the first available empty line under the column of your choice and enter data. Press Enter or Tab on your keyboard…
Entering Start or End Time
Entering Data » Entering Start or End Time
Select the Timeline Data tab Click in the corresponding event field under Start or End. Enter the date, optionally followed by the time. For example: 5 Jan 2015 5:30PM Press Enter or Tab on your keyboard to move to the next field, or click in the field of your…
Entering Multiple Paragraphs in Notes
Entering Data » Entering Multiple Paragraphs in Notes
You can include unlimited notes for each event in your timeline. To enter multiple paragraphs in the notes field: In the Timeline Data tab, double-click in the Notes field of the desired event. Begin typing. When you wish to start a new paragraph, select Ctrl +…
Customizing the Timeline Data tab
Customizing the Timeline Data tab
Because everyone approaches data entry differently, the columns in the Timeline Data tab can be customized to suit your needs. Note: Changes made to Timeline Data tab will be reflected in the Chronology Report. In this article Customizing columns Sorting the…
Setting User Preferences
Setting User Preferences
With Timeline Maker Pro, you have the ability to assign global preference options and customize the way you interact with the program using the Options dialog. For your convenience, these options remain in effect for all timeline files, until you change them. To…
Customizing the Date & Time Display
Customizing the Date & Time Display
Timeline Maker Pro provides a wide range of flexibility in choosing how dates are presented in your timeline charts. You can choose include or exclude dates on your events, select the display format and time increments, including years, quarters, months, weeks, days,…
Getting Started
Getting Started
When you open Timeline Maker Pro for the first time, you will be greeted with a Welcome Screen. Here, you can choose how you’d like to begin interacting with the program. Choices include creating a new timeline, either by manually entering data or importing the…
Create a New Timeline Maker Pro File
Create a New Timeline Maker Pro File
When you open Timeline Maker Pro, you will be greeted with a Welcome Screen, where you can choose to create a new Timeline Maker Pro file, either by manually entering data, or by importing data from another file type. Note: if you have chosen to disable the Welcome…
When activated, gridlines join the top and bottom timescales, making it easier for you to judge event dates. To show/hide gridlines: While viewing the chart, select the Chart tab. In the Chart group, click Gridlines. A checkmark in the checkbox indicates that…
Customizing Events in the Bar Chart
Bar Chart » Customizing Events in the Bar Chart
To access the customization features available for the events on the Bar Chart, select one or more events in your timeline chart. This will open the Bar, Format tab. In this tab you can choose the font, along with its size, formatting and color, amount of…
Include or Exclude Events in Timeline Charts
Entering Data » Include or Exclude Events in Timeline Charts
When entering events in the Timeline Data tab, a checkmark is automatically placed beside events entered with at least one date. A checkmark indicates that the event will be included in any timeline charts created. To hide an event from your timelines: In the…
Customizing Events in the Vertical Chart
Vertical Chart » Customizing Events in the Vertical Chart
To access the customization features available for the events on the Vertical Chart, select one or more events in your timeline chart. This will open the Flag, Format tab. In this tab, you can access all of the customization features, including choosing the font for…
Customizing Events in the Flag Chart
Flag Chart » Customizing Events in the Flag Chart
To access the customization features available for the events on the Flag Chart, select one or more events in your timeline chart. This will open the Flag, Format tab. In this tab, you can access all of the customization features, including choosing the font for…
Bar Chart
Bar Chart
The Bar Chart is a graphical representation of the data in your timeline file. In the Bar Chart, each event is assigned a bar, the length of which is determined by the time span of the event. Events are positioned on a timescale according to the date and time they…
Flag Chart
Flag Chart
The Flag Chart is a graphical representation of the data in your timeline file. In the Flag Chart, events are placed in boxes, connected to the timescale by either single or double arrows. This allows you to position events anywhere on the timeline chart, as you are…
Chronology Report
Chronology Report
Perfect for times when you need a partial or whole list of events in your file, the Chronology Report is a formatted text report of events in your timeline. To create a Chronology Report: After entering data in the Timeline Data tab, choose one of the following…
Adjusting the Timescale
Adjusting the Timescale
The term “timescale” in this context refers to a line that looks similar to a ruler and runs left to right across the Bar, Flag and Project/Gantt charts. The line is scaled chronologically and provides the user with a valuable reference point with which to judge…
Vertical Chart
Vertical Chart
The Vertical Chart is a graphical representation of the data in your timeline file. In the Vertical Chart, events are placed chronologically on both sides of a vertical bar. Designed to fit the width of one page, events are displayed in boxes (known as flags) and…
Project/Gantt Chart
Project/Gantt Chart
The Project/Gantt Chart is a graphical representation of the data in your timeline file. In the Project/Gantt Chart, event details are listed in a table style format along the left side of the chart, while the timescale is placed along the right side of the chart. …
Customizing the Chronology Report
Chronology Report » Customizing the Chronology Report
The Chronology Report is unique within Timeline Maker Pro, because most of its customization is drawn from your preferences in the Timeline Data tab. For example: preferences of column names, order, and width will be duplicated in the Chronology Report. For more…
Sharing Timeline Charts
Sharing Timeline Charts
With Timeline Maker Pro, you can share your timeline charts in a variety of formats. Then, with just a few clicks you can add your timeline charts to a web page, insert them into documents, send them as an email, and much more! To create a sharable version of your…
Customizing the Flag Chart Connectors
Flag Chart » Customizing the Flag Chart Connectors
The term “connectors” refers to the arrows which connect the events to the timescale. By default, the Flag Chart is created with a single connector arrow pointing to the event’s start date on the timescale. However, Timeline Maker Pro allows you to customize…
Customizing the Table in the Project/Gantt Chart
Project/Gantt Chart » Customizing the Table in the Project/Gantt Chart
To access the customization features available for the table in the Project/Gantt Chart, click on the table portion of your timeline chart. This will open the Table, Format tab. In this tab, you can choose the table font, along with its size, formatting, and color,…