In the Bar, Flag and Project Charts, you may want to add additional notes throughout your timeline charts. Using Insert > Text > Text Box, you can insert your notes anywhere on the chart in a resizable text box. This box can be formatted to have no fill or outline so that text appears to be part of the background, or can have a customized shape, fill, outline, and effects. For more information on customizing text boxes, see also: Customizing the Text Box.

To insert a text box:

  1. While viewing the timeline chart, click the Insert tab.
  2. In the Text group, select the Text Box button.
  3. Enter your note in the text box.

Tip: You can also add a text box by right-clicking anywhere on the chart and selecting Insert Text Box.

To edit the text:

  1. Double-click anywhere on the text box.
  2. Edit the text as desired.
  3. Click anywhere on the chart to accept the changes.

To position the text box on the timeline chart:

  1. Click on the text box.
  2. While holding the left mouse button, drag the box to the desired position on the chart.

To re-size the text box:

  1. Select the text box and click on a black square located on one of the corners.
  2. While holding the left mouse button, drag toward or away from the text box until you achieve the desired size.

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