With Timeline Maker Pro, you can choose how your timelines are displayed in your presentation. Several customization features are available, including various Step Through and Highlighting options, as well as a Fit to height of screen option.
In this article
Fit to height of screen
This scales the timeline so that its height fills the screen.
- While viewing the timeline you wish to customize, select the View tab.
- In the Presentation group, click Fit to height of screen. A checkmark in the checkbox indicates that the option has been activated.
Step Through
Step Through displays an empty timeline so that you can display the events one at a time. You can choose to step through events in the order they occurred chronologically, or you can step through in the order they occurred in each category. Alternatively, you can turn the option off and display all of the events at once, as though the timeline were a static image.
- While viewing the timeline you wish to customize, select the View tab.
- In the Presentation group, click the down arrow in the first dropdown list next to Step Through.
- Select the desired option: by Time, by Category or Off.
If Step Through is selected, you can choose to highlight the active event. This adds prominence and immediately draws the eye to the active event. Options for highlighting include Glow, which surrounds the active event with a yellow outline, and Fade, which lightens events not in focus so that the active event is prominent. No Highlight displays the active event without any added effects.
- While viewing the timeline you wish to customize, select the View tab.
- In the Presentation group, click the down arrow in the second dropdown list next to Step through.
- Select the desired option: Glow, Fade or No Highlight.
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