By default, Timeline Maker Pro will automatically center the timescale in the vertical middle of the page. Events are then placed on the timeline above the date/time they occurred on the timescale. If there is no room above the timescale, or if an event box will collide with other events, the event will be placed below the timescale, under the date/time it occurred.

Because events in the Flag Timeline are placed in boxes connected by arrows to the timescale, and not in bars, you can position the event anywhere on the timeline, without the horizontal restriction found in the Bar Timeline.

To move events on the timeline:

  1. Select the event(s) you wish to move.
  2. While holding the left mouse button, drag the event(s) to the desired position on the timeline.

Tip: If, after making changes to the timeline, you wish to return to the default layout, you can do so by clicking the Auto Arrange button, found in the Home tab, Chart group.

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