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Timelines – Documenting the Past and Planning for the Future

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A comprehensive and easy-to-follow timeline is useful for one of two main reasons: for looking at the past or looking towards the future. With Timeline Maker Pro, charting the events of the past or planning for the events of the future is easier than ever. Here are just a few of the ways that Timeline Maker Pro can help you understand the past and build towards the future.

Looking at The Past

Law enforcement officers and private investigators often have a series of facts and pieces of evidence that need to be arranged into chronological order. These professionals are often operating under strict time constraints—the more efficient tools they have to construct their timeline, the faster they can get the job done.

Timeline Maker allows you to create detailed timelines with the click of a button. This program lets you build flag charts or bar charts in a variety of styles so you can map out the details of a case in a way that’s easy for you to follow. This software includes customizable themes, colour-coded data entry, and a built-in presentation mode so you can demonstrate the events of the past in the most comprehensive and convenient way possible.

Looking To the Future

In order to create a successful business, it’s important to look towards your goals in the future. Timeline Maker Pro is not only a great tool for organizing the events of the past—it’s also the simplest way to prepare for what’s coming. Timeline Maker Pro is a great organizational tool for event planners—you can add links and import external data into your timeline so you can have the most inclusive timeline possible. With numerous printing and digital publishing options, you can easily share itineraries, milestones and important documents with the people who need them. Timeline Maker Pro is also a great executive planning tool that allows businesses to create and share their future plans with a built-in presentation mode and seamless PowerPoint integration.

Whether you need to organize the events of the past in a quick and accurate way, or you need to efficiently plan for the events of the future, Timeline Maker Pro is the perfect tool for you. For more information about this innovative software and to order it for your office or workplace, contact us today.

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The Timeline Maker blog is your source for tips, tutorials, downloads and news. It is here to help you get the most out of our Timeline Maker software. The program is available as a free trial below.