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Timeline Maker Pro’s Extra Added Value: Custom Theme Creation and More

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Finding the right format, layout, and colour scheme to fit the data you’re presenting is one of the biggest challenges in timeline making. Beyond that, many of the elements themselves can cause trouble and waste time when making a timeline, chronology, or Gantt Chart. Timeline Maker Pro is the most comprehensive and seamless software on the market, with automated processes specifically designed to save time and boost productivity for your business.

With a wide range of pre-made themes to help you visually represent data in your own way, plus the ability to create custom ones yourself, our software allows you to make beautiful custom creations in the click of a button. Here’s more about this extra value:

Why a theme?

Setting a theme to your chart will allow it to take a personal identity. You will be giving it a look all its own. In more practical terms, this means giving you the power to represent the data in the most visually appealing way, be it through colours, positions, sizes or other options. Giving you this extra customizable option is great in and of itself, but where it really shines through is that it can be done instantly. Changing customizable options in most softwares takes time that you don’t have. Our preset themes allow you complete customization options at the click of a button.

Theme value

Themes themselves offer your company high-value since they give you complete control over how to represent your data, allowing you to represent your project in the most efficient way possible. The best part about Timeline Maker Pro, though, is that it can all be done instantly, and even if you don’t like what we’ve made, you can make your own!

  1. Save time – by visiting our comprehensive theme library, you can choose premade themes that add value to presentations in just a few moments. We’ve got plenty to choose from!
  2. Customization options – don’t like anything you see? That’s fine. Create your own and share it with others. Who knows, you might even stumble on something that fits your whole company well. Which leads us to:
  3. Branding opportunities – wouldn’t it be great to freely create a theme that showed your company’s logo? Doing that is free and easy with our software. Create your own theme with your company’s logo and colours to strengthen your company’s branding efforts. Saving and sharing is easy!

Creating a theme for your project timeline is highly valuable but also extremely difficult and time-consuming; that is, unless you use Timeline Maker Pro. Our preset library of themes gives you customizable control at the click of a button and gives you branding opportunities that other softwares can’t rival!

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The Timeline Maker blog is your source for tips, tutorials, downloads and news. It is here to help you get the most out of our Timeline Maker software. The program is available as a free trial below.